



      The procedure set forth in this section determines the amount of volatile matter of any kind that is driven off under the conditions specified. For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent, the procedure given in “Determination of Water” (Appendix 4.12), is appropriate, and is specified in the individual monograph.

      Unless otherwise directed in the monograph, conduct the determination on 1 to 2 g of the substance (2 to 5 g in case of crude drugs), previously mixed and accurately weighed. If the test substance is in the form of large crystals, reduce the particle size to about 2 mm by quickly crushing. Tare a glass-stoppered, shallow weighing bottle that has been dried for 30 minutes under the same conditions to be employed in the determination. Put the test substance in the bottle, replace the cover, and accurately weigh the bottle and the contents. By gentle, sidewise shaking distribute the test substance as evenly as practicable to a depth of about 5 mm generally, and not over 10 mm in the case of bulky materials. Place the loaded bottle in the drying chamber, removing the stopper and leaving it also in the chamber. Dry the test substance at the temperature and for the time specified in the monograph. The temperature of heating is within the range of ±2º of the stated figure in the monograph. Upon opening the chamber, close the bottle promptly and allow it to come to room temperature in a desiccator before weighing.

      If the substance melts at a lower temperature than that specified for the determination of Loss on drying, maintain the bottle with its contents for 1 to 2 hours at a temperature 5º to 10º below the melting temperature, then dry at the specified temperature.

      Where the sample under test is Capsules, use a portion of the mixed contents of not less than 4 capsules.

      Where the sample under test is Tablets, use powder from not less than 4 tablets ground to a fine powder.

      Where the individual monograph directs that loss on drying be determined by thermogravimetric analysis, a sensitive electrobalance is to be used.

      Where drying in vacuum over a desiccant is directed in the individual monograph, a vacuum desiccator or a vacuum drying pistol, or other suitable vacuum drying apparatus, is to be used.

      Where drying in a desiccator is specified, exercise particular care to ensure that the desiccant is kept fully effective by frequent replacement.

      Where drying in a capillary-stoppered bottle in vacuum is directed in the individual monograph, use a bottle or tube fitted with a stopper having a 225±25 μm diameter capillary, and maintain the heating chamber at a pressure not exceeding 0.7 kPa (about 5 Torr). At the end of the heating period, admit dry air to the heating chamber, remove the bottle, and with the capillary stopper still in place allow it to cool in a desiccator before weighing.

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หมายเหตุ / Note : TP II 2011 PAGE 437